This is part 1 in a series of 5 posts answering the question how do search engines work?
By Heath Rost, March 3 2016
Consistent Content. Kind of a buzz word but not really.
Consistent content has everything to do with modifying on-page content. What are the inner workings of each page, what makes up the body of your page or post?
To win at SEO one of the 5 components you need to have–without fighting the battle of working for search engine companies–is consistent content on each page. Here is a great mindset to keep when looking at your finished page in top-down fashion:
Mindset: How can I set this page up to be best friends with search engines?
The answer is using the following 5 tips for consistent content, which I’ll address individually.
Make sure every image’s “alt” tag is labeled
There are two ways to do this. If you’re using WordPress you can simply click on the photo on your page and edit it.
You want to make sure the “Alternative Text” field contains keywords and long-tail keywords.
The other way to edit the “alt” tag of a photo is to modify the HTML code, and add the alt tag like so:
<img class=”alignnone wp-image-6571 size-full” src=”” alt=”blogging tips in arvada colorado, blogging help, search engine help” width=”711″ height=”445″ />
Backlink keywords on the page to other pages on your website
When you backlink keywords in the first paragraph..and even better in the first sentence of your blog post you establish more credibility with the reader. The interwebs are exactly that, interwebs. The more places an article is linked-up on a key term or phrase, no matter what website is referencing, there is a new highway thats created. This is yet another reason Google and other search engine companies use to say this must be a valuable piece of content–because more and more people are referencing it. Find out when to use SEO as a roofer as noted by Roofing Marketing Pro.
Not only that, you give your readers the opportunity to learn more about a particular subject, which is the entire reason you blog in the first place, to educate and serve.
Have consistent headlines throughout the page
There are a total of (5) H2 headlines in this blog post. The blog is split up with an introduction, 5 sub-points and an outro paragraph. By having consistent headlines throughout your page’s content you make the page easier to read, understand and equally important–to share.
Search engines look at these H2 headers to help index the content on your page. Use them wisely and to your advantage.
Each page should have at least 1 graphic
Have you ever heard the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words? Well search engines think so too, and thats why the first tip for having consistent content on your page is to make sure your “alt” tags are labeled appropriately with keywords and phrases. Pictures help tell the story of the words on the page and keep your readers entertained. The last thing you want to do is bore your website visitors, make sure each page on your website contains at least one of these. 🙂
If possible, include keywords for the post in the first paragraph of the page
This last tip goes hand in hand with backlinking keywords at the start of your pages. The more you can “hook” and relate to people early on the greater chance they’ll read through all the way to the bottom of your posts–and if you’re reading this right now I guess it worked! 🙂
Lets Review
Wrapping Up: Consistent Content
There is no perfect “formula” for consistent content. As you can see I didn’t even follow along with all 5 tips for consistent content in this post. Don’t focus on every page being perfect, the key to being successful with blogging is content content content.
Now Its Your Turn: What other tips for consistent content can you add? Respond in the comments section of this post and thank You for being personable. 🙂
Great reminders here, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten the basics. Now I have to go through and make sure all my alt-tags are defined!
Its so easy to neglect alt tags but they really do drive traffic well. Especially if you’ve done your due diligence to make sure your business address has been verified on at least a few of the major search engines people use. We’re all learning my friend!
foreshadowing ^^