The Bad
Its unfortunate that there are still hosting companies out there that are offering shared hosting plans. A secure managed wordpress hosting
plan means your website is being hosted on a hardrive disc with up to 64 other websites. That means that when one of those websites’ gets hacked or is receiving an abundant amount of traffic, its slowing down your website as well. It opens your website to security gaps, and puts you at risk of being blacklisted on Google.
The Good
You can see here if you are opting for a hosting plan where your website is independent from other websites gives your website a distinct—Dedicated IP address, and frees you from the chains of putting your website—and your company’s good name at risk.
The Even Better
As long as you’re doing that you might as well have an SSL installed on your website as well. Its going to protect you, tilt the odds in your favor if your competitors don’t have an SSL, AND it looks more professional to the end-user.
The Way It Ought To Be
Additionally, you should have your website hosted on a solid state harddrive. Do you know anyone who has a MacBook Air? Their computers boot up in about 7 seconds. Its because the harddrive in their laptops is constantly spinning and ready to process requests made to it. Web hosting companies now offer us the opportunity to set up our websites the same way. The graph below articulates why load time is so important.
Hosting your website on a shared hosting plan will almost guarantee you will never have your website loading in under (3) seconds.
Reason To Act
With proper web hosting you’re on your way to a more intentional marketing strategy. Do your business a favor and get set up with a website that’s effective for your business, search engines and your customers. Get set up with the best web hosting and know the facts.