Today there are a variety of website builders a small business owner can choose from to create their very own website. A common question a business owner on a budget will ask is which website builder should I use? Or even, which website builder is best? Today I’m here to answer that question as best I can, in the most humble way I can.
First, Answer These Questions About Your Website
If you are the business owner reading this there are a few questions you should ask yourself before you consider building your website on your own. Answering these questions will save you time once you get started, because planning!
They are:
1. Do you know what you would like displayed on your home page?
2. What bits of information are most important for visitors of your website to absorb when they find your website?
3. What is the primary function your website should do for you and your business?
Print this blog out of you wish and answer these questions in your own words. At the very least you’ll have something written down before you speak with an expert. After you’ve answered these questions either on a scratch piece of paper or note editor, interpret your answers below.
Interpreting Your Answers
Question 1. Hopefully you have some idea of what you want displayed on your website’s home page, and if you don’t that’s ok too! Create a new folder on your desktop and start throwing pictures into it. That will help you hit the ground running when you actually begin working on your new website. Better yet, create a new text or word document and throw the three questions and your answers into it and put that inside your folder as well.
Question 2. It’s important you know how you want people to be able to contact you or your business. Are you a brick and motor that relies on foot traffic? Do you have someone answering the phones when people call? Or are you more of an appointment-only type of business? Make sure you know the answer to this and it’s clear in your head, otherwise you’ll be treading water later.
Question 3. If your reason for creating a website is “because you think you need one” I can tell you that truly any website builder will do. A free or relatively inexpensive website builder in 2022 is not uncommon. You have companies like Squarespace, Wix, GoDaddy, and WordPress dot org that you can choose from. But what you probably want to know is which user interface is going to make your job the easiest, assuming you are in the mindset that you are going to be building and designing your small business website on your own.
The Brutal Truth About Website Builders
The truth is user experience for building a website is often subjective, and purely in the eye of the website builder. I’m positive there is information out there comparing website builders side by side to help you get a better idea of which company or free entity you should go with, but from this writer’s point of view usability of a website builder is mute.
Don’t waste any more time researching and start building a website with the webmaster you purchased your domain from. That said, if you don’t need any convincing about the importance of having a great website for your business, read on.
Website Building Software In 2022 Is Doing Us More Harm Than Good
If you are trying to build a website yourself, and you’re searching for which website builder is best the answer to your question is no matter what website builder is the easiest to use, it matters little if the person using the website builder has little or no experience. The best website builder is not a website builder, it’s whoever is building the website.
The best website builder is not a website builder, it’s whoever is building the website.
The hard truth is that bad websites infect a community. They effect your employees, and they have intrinsic value to the people who work for you. The Internet is only about 30-odd years old, and it’s still evolving. People live in their phones (and often in their heads) more than ever right now, which can only mean that the design, look and feel of your business website is of paramount importance.
And this truth becomes more and more true every day!
Here is where I make up a statistic based on my gut feeling. Most business owners that care about how their website looks and its overall effect on their business will redesign their websites every 2 to 3 years. It’s kind of like back in the early 1900s when if you wanted to buy a car, every other garage on the block was building one. The car you bought could only be maintained by the person you bought it from, and it might break down when you get to the next city. But what if you could pay a little extra and have a vehicle that was fine-tuned and built to last?
My Last Words Of Encouragement
Before you dive in to creating a website with whichever free website builder you chose, I encourage you to ask a professional web designer for help. Just ask 1, and if that conversation was helpful, heck talk to another! Have a real conversation with them versus making a decision based on what you’ve previously read online. If you end up working with one of those free website building tools and doing it yourself, so be it, but if you take anything from this article it’s that having just one more conversation might help you in the long run–and it’ll allow for more conversations with people like myself doing the good work. Whether you end up working with me and my team or not, I feel better knowing I’m contributing to the de-pollution of the Internet and bad websites everywhere.
But seriously, if you’re a business owner looking for the best website builder book a call with me by clicking here. You’ll be glad you did.
Stay personable, Heath